06062013 A great big mess

I know I’ve been missing for quite a bit, but things got a little messy here in my country after the elections. We had hope, we lost hope, not to mention sadden and also disgusted at the vulgar display of power, followed by the arrest of people voicing out their displeasure. Whatever it is, life […]

17112010 From Nara to Tokyo

Our very last day in Nara. This morning, most of them could not wake up, even my own roommate, as they had been working till early hours of the morning to prepare on their presentation, so I went down alone to get breakfast. Met our in charge sitting alone too, so asked if I could […]

14112010 From Narita to Haneda to Itami to Nara

It was a very tiring and long trip to get to Nara from Narita. About a year back, there was still a flight which serves between Kuala Lumpur, Singapore and Osaka, JL722, which was the flight I took when participating in the JENESYS Program back in March 2009. However Japan Airlines filed for bankruptcy in […]

03042009 夢

We had a calligraphy session today. The teacher was a pleasant old lady, who spoke very softly as she explained to us her love for calligraphy, where every stroke comes from your heart and soul, and how it would help us to calm our mind and control the movements of our brush. This was a […]