06062010 Sharing session & Hou Hai

It was almost halfway through our internship in Beijing, so we had a sharing session organised by the local university students to gather all the interns spreaded throughout the city to come together and share our experiences in our local schools. The students in charge of us dropped by our school to bring us to […]

15052010 Long lost childhood

It was finally our last day of training, and it was more laid-back compared to our previous days. For one, today’s training was more focused on us, and also teaching us new ways to get the kids to interact with each other. The facilitator, who was from Inner Mongolia, had a ball of yarn which […]

14052010 Foreign in their own land

Our third day of training, was more focused on the background of the children which we were going to educate. After gathering at Renmin University, we took a bus to somewhere on the outer skirts of town, to a cluster of two-story buildings which housed a few NGO organisations in it. We were there to […]

11052010 Beijing Olympic Stadium & Hotel Woes

When we got up today, we were told that Fiona had contacted one of our member the night before, asking for us to pack our things and move to an area near the Renmin University, as we would need to attend a training for the next few days. After some discussion among us, we decided […]