06062013 A great big mess

I know I’ve been missing for quite a bit, but things got a little messy here in my country after the elections. We had hope, we lost hope, not to mention sadden and also disgusted at the vulgar display of power, followed by the arrest of people voicing out their displeasure. Whatever it is, life […]

20062010 Leaving Beijing

Finally I’ve reached the end of my Beijing internship. We made plans to leave that evening for the airport, since two of us were taking the early Malaysian Airlines flight out of Beijing, where check-in would start around 6am. Decided it would be better to head there the night before, since most of the public […]

18062010 Final lessons

One of us was leaving today, so we decided to make most of our final lessons with the kids with some pictures and photo-taking. Usually we don’t bring cameras into the classroom to distract them, because the kids LOVE the camera. For my second grade class, I allowed them to draw whatever they liked, and […]

130602010 Guzheng Recital

Was invited to witness the graduation recital for a fellow Malaysian who was finishing his master studies in Guzheng at the China Conservatory of Music. We headed out late in the afternoon since the recital was set for the evening. Took the subway to Jisuitan, and the problems started. It was the rush hour and […]

06062010 Sharing session & Hou Hai

It was almost halfway through our internship in Beijing, so we had a sharing session organised by the local university students to gather all the interns spreaded throughout the city to come together and share our experiences in our local schools. The students in charge of us dropped by our school to bring us to […]

05062010 Badaling Great Wall

Getting to the Great Wall was no easy task. From the Jisuitan station, we got lost trying to find our way to the bus station which had the bus to bring us to the Great Wall, and we were walking round in circles before managing to find the correct one. Unfortunately, the crowd heading to […]

03062010 After School Activities

I’ve not mentioned this before, but the teachers at the school came up with this 5.30pm slot (which most of us came to dread later on) where we the foreign teachers have to devise activities to mingle and play with the children after they have finished their classes and were waiting for their parents to […]

01062010 Yong He Gong & Confucius Temple

Decided to kill two birds with one stone today, by visiting both the Yong He Gong Llama Temple, and also the Confucius Temple which was within the vicinity of one another. I forgot to bring along my camera, so the pictures were all by the bubbly Aimee of Chong Er Fei. We tried asking for […]

31052010 Children’s Day in Beijing

For the past few days, we were preparing a dance for the Children’s Day event in our school. Catherine came up with a funny dance which she learned from god knows where. After much tweaking, laughing and failed attempts, we were ready for our performance in front of the whole school. We have a recording […]